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There isn't really a "Best Horse" in the game- The horses all have strengths and weaknesses.  You might prefer high speed over high health, someone else might prefer high health or high stamina.  

You need to consider both the class of the horse and the stats.  Generally speaking, if you want a fast horse, then look for a race class horse.  If you want a fearless horse with high health go for a war horse.  For a good all-rounder, look for a multi-class (eg Race/war or race/work).

Keep in mind also that it appears that the temperament/bravery of the horses seems to be completely random - as several people have found that horses of the same breed (bonded in the same way) can perform differently in terms of bravery.  So no one breed seems to be any better/worse than others at bravery (Although Arabians are usually always skittish, war horses are usually very brave)

To help you choose horses based on their stats, I've listed the top level horses in each stat category, and then below that a list of all horses and their stats. 

Top Stat Horses

This lists the horses (colour variant for each breed) that has the highest stat in the following categories.  Eg you could say these were the "best" horses in each category.

I've included the class because another consideration is how well they perform in battle/hunting.  So if you are comparing horses, a "War" horse will generally be braver than a "Race" horse.

Top Health (7)

Andalusian (War) - Rose Grey

Arabian (Race) - Rose Grey Bay

Ardennes (War) - Iron Grey Roan / Strawberry Roan

​Kladruber (Race/War) - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver
Mustang (Work/War) - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo

Turkoman (Race/War) - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver

Top Speed (7)

Criollo (Race/War) - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay / Splashed Piebald

Missouri Fox Trotter (Race/Work) - Amber, Black Tovero, Brindle, Silver Dapple

Mustang (Work/War) - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo

Nokota (Race) - Reverse Dapple Roan

Norfolk Roadster (Race/War) - Dappled Buckskin & Spotted Tricolour

Thoroughbred (Race) - Black Chestnut, Brindle, Dapple Black

Top Stamina (7)

​Arabian (Race) - Rose Grey Bay

Breton (Race/War) - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey

Kladruber (Race/War) - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver

Top Acceleration (6)

Arabian (Race) - Black / Rose Grey Bay / White
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay / Splashed Piebald

Norfolk Roadster  (Race/War) - Dappled Buckskin & Spotted Tricolour

Summary - "Best" Horses  (Best combination of Health/Stamina/Speed/Bravery)

Level 20 Role horses -
Breton/Gypsy Cob/Kladruber/Norfolk RoadsterMissouri Fox Trotter (All colours)Mustang (Black Overo/Buckskin/Chestnut Tovero/Red Dun Overo)Turkoman (All colours)Arabians (Rose Bay) have the health/speed/Stamina but I personally find them too skittish, but if that doesn't bother you then they are a top pick.


Free horses -
White Arabian (Found at Lake Isabella). Dapple grey Hungarian  (Steal from Mr. Wroble's barn during the "Money Lending and other Sins" mission, or from Benedict Allbright in the "Good, Honest, Snake Oil" bounty hunting mission in Valentine (just jump on his horse to chase him, instead of your own).  
It is possible to get the silver dapple Missouri Fox Trotter for free early in the game - There is an NPC encounter around Moonstone pond that can glitch and spawn it alive (it's supposed to be dead).  I've seen it suggested you need to get there just before 6am (which worked for me)  This video explains it (although it says the time is just before 7am).

To buy - Gold Turkoman (After Chapter 4) or Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood (Chapter 2 - After unlocking Valentine Stables).  Better horses become available after the Epilogue.





Andalusian - Rose Grey

Arabian - Rose Grey Bay

Ardennes - Iron Grey Roan, Strawberry Roan

Kladruber - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver

Mustang - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo

Turkoman - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver


Arabian - Black

Breton - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey

Dutch Warmblood - "Buell"

Kladruber - Cremello, Grey


American Paint - Grey Overo

Andalusian - Dark Bay

Appaloosa - Brown Leopard, Leopard

Arabian - White

Ardennes - Bay Roan

Breton - Grullo Dun, Seal Brown

Criollo - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay, Splashed Piebald

Hungarian Halfbred - Dapple Dark Grey

Kladruber - Black, White

Missouri Fox Trotter - Amber Champagne, Black Tovero, Blue Roan, Buckskin Brindle, Dapple Grey, Silver Dapple Pinto

Mustang - Tiger Striped Bay



American Standardbred - Silver Tail Buckskin

Breton - Red Roan, Sorrel

Criollo - Bay Brindle, Sorrel Overo

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan, Seal Brown, Sooty Buckskin

Hungarian Halfbred - Flaxen Chestnut, Piebald Tobiano

Gypsy Cob - Palomino Blagdon, Skewbald

Mustang - Grullo Dun, Wild Bay

Norfolk Roadster - Dappled Buckskin & Spotted Tricolour

Shire - Dark Bay, Light Grey, Raven Black

Tennessee Walker - Flaxen Roan

Thoroughbred - "Rachel"


American Paint - Overo, Tobiano, Splashed White

American Standardbred - Black, Buckskin, Palomino Dapple

Appaloosa - Blanket, Leopard Blanket

Belgian Draft - Chestnut, Mealy Chestnut

Criollo - Blue Roan Overo, Dun

Gypsy Cob - Piebald, White Blagdon

Kentucky Saddler - Black, Chestnut Pinto, Grey, Silver Bay

Nokota - Blue Roan, Reverse Dapple Roan, White Roan

Norfolk Roadster - Piebald Roan & Rose Grey

Suffolk Punch - Red Chestnut, Sorrel

Tennessee Walker - Black Rabicano, Chestnut, Dapple Bay, Gold Palomino, Mahogany Bay, Red Roan

Thoroughbred - Black Chestnut, Blood Bay, Brindle, Dapple Black, Dapple Grey


Morgan - Bay, Bay Roan, Flaxen Chestnut, Liver Chestnut, Palomino

Norfolk Roadster - Black, Speckled Grey



​Arabian - Rose Grey Bay

Breton - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey

Kladruber - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver

Mustang - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo



Appaloosa - Brown Leopard, Leopard

Arabian - Black

Breton - Grullo Dun, Seal Brown

Criollo - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino

Dutch Warmblood - "Buell", Chocolate Roan
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay, Splashed Piebald

Kladruber - Cremello, Grey

Missouri Fox Trotter - Amber Champagne, Black Tovero, Blue Roan, Buckskin Brindle, Dapple Grey, Silver Dapple Pinto

Norfolk Roadster - Dappled Buckskin, Spotted Tricolour


American Paint - Grey Overo, Splashed White

Andalusian - Rose Grey

Ardennes - Iron Grey Roan, Strawberry Roan

Arabian - White

Breton - Red Roan, Sorrel

Criollo - Bay Brindle, Sorrel Overo

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan, Seal Brown, Sooty Buckskin

Gypsy Cob - Palomino Blagdon, Skewbald

Kladruber - Black, White

Mustang - Tiger Striped Bay

Norfolk Roadster - Piebald Roan & Rose Grey

Tennessee Walker - Flaxen Roan

Turkoman - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver


American Paint  - Overo, Tobiano

American Standardbred - Silver Tail Buckskin

Andalusian - Dark Bay

Appaloosa - Blanket, Leopard Blanket

Ardennes - Bay Roan

Criollo - Blue Roan Overo, Dun

Gypsy Cob - Piebald, White Blagdon

Hungarian Halfbred - Dapple Dark Grey

Morgan - Liver Chestnut

Mustang - Grullo Dun, Wild Bay

Norfolk Roadster - Black, Speckled Grey

Shire - Raven Black

Suffolk Punch - Red Chestnut, Sorrel

Tennessee Walker - Gold Palomino, Mahogany Bay

Thoroughbred - "Rachel"


American Standardbred - Black, Buckskin, Palomino Dapple

Belgian Draft - Chestnut, Mealy Chestnut

Hungarian Halfbred - Flaxen Chestnut, Piebald Tobiano

Morgan - Bay, Bay Roan, Flaxen Chestnut, Palomino

Nokota - Blue Roan, Reverse Dapple Roan, White Roan

Shire - Dark Bay, Light Grey

Tennessee Walker - Black Rabicano, Chestnut, Dapple Bay, Red Roan

Thoroughbred - Black Chestnut, Blood Bay, Brindle, Dapple Black, Dapple Grey


Kentucky Saddler - Black, Chestnut Pinto, Grey, Silver Bay



Criollo - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay, Splashed Piebald

Missouri Fox Trotter - Amber Champagne, Black Tovero, Blue Roan, Buckskin Brindle, Dapple Grey, Silver Dapple Pinto

Nokota - Reverse Dapple Roan

Norfolk Roadster - Dappled Buckskin, Spotted Tricolour

Thoroughbred - Black Chestnut, Brindle, Dapple Black


Arabian - Black, Rose Grey Bay, White

Breton - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey

Criollo - Bay Brindle, Sorrel Overo

Mustang - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo

Norfolk Roadster - Piebald Roan, Rose Grey

Thoroughbred - "Rachel"

Turkoman - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver



American Standardbred - Palomino Dapple, Silver Tail Buckskin

Breton - Grullo Dun, Seal Brown

Criollo - Blue Roan Overo, Dun

Dutch Warmblood - "Buell"

Gypsy Cob - Palomino Blagdon, Skewbald

Norfolk Roadster - Black, Speckled Grey


American Paint - Grey Overo

American Standardbred - Black, Buckskin

Appaloosa - Brown Leopard, Leopard

Breton - Red Roan, Sorrel

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan

Gypsy Cob - Piebald, White Blagdon

Kladruber - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver

Morgan - Liver Chestnut

Mustang - Tiger Striped Bay

Nokota - Blue Roan, White Roan

Thoroughbred - Blood Bay, Dapple Grey


American Paint - Overo, Tobiano, Splashed White

Andalusian - Dark Bay, Rose Grey

Appaloosa - Blanket, Leopard Blanket

Ardennes - Bay Roan, Iron Grey Roan, Strawberry Roan

Belgian Draft - Chestnut, Mealy Chestnut

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan, Seal Brown, Sooty Buckskin

Hungarian Halfbred - Dapple Dark Grey, Flaxen Chestnut, Piebald Tobiano

Kentucky Saddler - Black, Chestnut Pinto, Grey, Silver Bay

Kladruber - Cremello, Grey

Morgan - Bay, Bay Roan, Flaxen Chestnut, Palomino

Mustang - Grullo Dun, Wild Bay

Shire - Dark Bay, Light Grey, Raven Black

Suffolk Punch - Red Chestnut, Sorrel

Tennessee Walker - Gold Palomino, Flaxen Roan


Kladruber - Black, White

Tennessee Walker - Black Rabicano, Chestnut, Dapple Bay, Mahogany Bay, Red Roan



Arabian - Black, Rose Grey Bay, White
Gypsy Cob - Splashed Bay, Splashed Piebald

Norfolk Roadster - Dappled Buckskin, Spotted Tricolour


Criollo - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino

Dutch Warmblood - "Buell"

Gypsy Cob - Palomino Blagdon, Skewbald

Kladruber - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver

Missouri Fox Trotter - Amber Champagne, Black Tovero, Blue Roan, Buckskin Brindle, Dapple Grey, Silver Dapple Pinto

Nokota - Reverse Dapple Roan

Norfolk Roadster - Piebald Roan & Rose Grey

Thoroughbred - Black Chestnut, Brindle, Dapple Black

Turkoman - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver



American Paint - Grey Overo

American Standardbred - Palomino Dapple, Silver Tail Buckskin

Breton - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey

Criollo - Bay Brindle, Sorrel Overo

Gypsy Cob - Piebald, White Blagdon

Kladruber - Cremello, Grey

Mustang - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo

Norfolk Roadster - Black, Speckled Grey

Thoroughbred - "Rachel"



American Paint - Overo, Tobiano, Splashed White

American Standardbred - Black, Buckskin

Andalusian - Dark Bay, Rose Grey

Appaloosa - Brown Leopard, Blanket, Leopard Blanket, Leopard

Ardennes - Bay Roan, Iron Grey Roan, Strawberry Roan

Belgian Draft - Chestnut, Mealy Chestnut

Breton - Grullo Dun, Seal Brown

Criollo - Blue Roan Overo, Dun

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan, Seal Brown, Sooty Buckskin

Hungarian Halfbred - Dapple Dark Grey, Flaxen Chestnut, Piebald Tobiano

Kentucky Saddler - Black, Chestnut Pinto, Grey, Silver Bay

Kladruber - Black, White

Mustang - Grullo Dun, Tiger Striped Bay, Wild Bay

Nokota - Blue Roan, White Roan

Tennessee Walker - Flaxen Roan

Thoroughbred - Blood Bay, Dapple Grey


Breton - Red Roan, Sorrel

Morgan - Bay, Bay Roan, Flaxen Chestnut, Liver Chestnut, Palomino

Shire - Dark Bay, Light Grey, Raven Black

Suffolk Punch - Red Chestnut, Sorrel

Tennessee Walker - Black Rabicano, Chestnut, Dapple Bay, Gold Palomino, Mahogany Bay, Red Roan



My Suggested Horse Rankings

By Stats   (as best as I could!)

Not sure what to call this.... but to help you choose horses based on their stats, I've tried to rank the horses here in order of their stats.  Where a horse is lower in one stat and higher in another, I've tried to rank them based on what I think people would place higher importance on (speed/stamina being slightly more important than health, with acceleration least important).  But the stats are all included so you can make your own decision.  

Arabian - Rose Grey Bay
(Health 7 | Stamina 7 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 6)  - Type:  Superior. 
Handling:  Elite

Mustang - Black Overo, Buckskin, Chestnut Tovero, Red Dun Overo
(Health 7 | Stamina 7 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  War/Work.  Handling:  Standard

Gypsy Cob - Splashed Piebald, Splashed Bay
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 6)  - Type:  Multi.  Handling:  Standard

Missouri Fox Trotter - Amber Champagne, Black Tovero, Blue Roan, Buckskin Brindle, Dapple Grey, Silver Dapple Pinto
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race/Work.  Handling:  Standard

Turkoman - Black, Chestnut, Dark Bay, Gold, Grey, Perlino, Silver
(Health 7 | Stamina 5 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard


Breton - Mealey Dapple, Steel Grey
(Health 6 | Stamina 7 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Norfolk Roadster - Dappled Buckskin & Spotted Tricolour
(Health 4 | Stamina 6 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 6)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Kladruber - Dapple Rose Grey, Silver
(Health 7 | Stamina 7 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Arabian - Black
(Health 6 | Stamina 6 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 6)  - Type:  Superior. 
Handling:  Elite

Dutch Warmblood - "Buell"
(Health 6 | Stamina 6 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Work.  Handling:  Standard

​Arabian - White
(Health 5 | Stamina 5 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 6)  - Type:  Superior. 
Handling:  Elite

Gypsy Cob - Palomino Blagdon, Skewbald
(Health 4 | Stamina 5 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Multi.  Handling:  Standard

​Andalusian - Rose Grey
(Health 7 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard


Criollo - Bay Frame Overo, Marble Sabino
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race/War. 
Handling:  Standard

Kladruber - Cremello, Grey
(Health 6 | Stamina 6 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race/War. 
Handling:  Standard

​Ardennes - Iron Grey Roan / Strawberry Roan
(Health 7 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

Breton - Grullo Dun, Seal Brown
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race/War. 
Handling:  Standard

American Paint - Grey Overo
(Health 5 | Stamina 5 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Work.  Handling:  Standard

Appaloosa - Brown Leopard / Leopard
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work.  Handling:  Standard

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan
(Health 5 | Stamina 6 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work. 
Handling:  Standard

Mustang - Tiger Striped Bay
(Health 5 | Stamina 5 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War/Work. 
Handling:  Standard

Gypsy Cob - Piebald, White Blagdon
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Multi.  Handling:  Standard

​Andalusian - Dark Bay
(Health 5 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

Ardennes - Bay Roan
(Health 5 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

Hungarian Halfbred - Dapple Dark Grey
(Health 5 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

American Standardbred - Silver Tail Buckskin
(Health 4 | Stamina 4 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

​Kladruber  - Black, White
(Health 5 | Stamina 5 | Speed 2 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race/War. 
Handling:  Standard

Criollo - Bay Brindle, Sorrel Overo
(Health 4 | Stamina 5 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Thoroughbred - "Rachel"
(Health 4 | Stamina 4 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Breton - Red Roan, Sorrel
(Health 4 | Stamina 5 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Dutch Warmblood - Chocolate Roan, Seal Brown, Sooty Buckskin
(Health 4 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work. 
Handling:  Standard

Tennessee Walker - Flaxen Roan
(Health 4 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

Mustang - Grullo Dun, Wild Bay
(Health 4 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War/Work. 
Handling:  Standard

Norfolk Roadster - Piebald Roan & Rose Grey

(Health 3 | Stamina 5 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Nokota - Reverse Dapple Roan
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Thoroughbred - Black Chestnut, Brindle, Dapple Black (Special edition)
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 7 | Acceleration 5)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Arabian - Warped Brindle

(Health 3 | Stamina 5 | Speed 6 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Superior.  Handling:  Elite

Arabian - Red Chestnut

(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Superior.  Handling:  Elite

American Paint - Splashed White
(Health 3 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

Shire - Raven Black
(Health 4 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Draft. 
Handling:  Heavy

Hungarian Halfbred - Flaxen Chestnut, Piebald Tobiano
(Health 4 | Stamina 3 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  War. 
Handling:  Standard

American Paint - Overo, Tobiano
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work. 
Handling:  Standard

American Standardbred - Palomino Dapple
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Norfolk Roadster - Black, Speckled Grey
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 4)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Appaloosa - Few Spot
(Health 3 | Stamina 5 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work.  Handling:  Standard

Appaloosa - Blanket, Leopard Blanket
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Work. 
Handling:  Standard

American Standardbred - Black, Buckskin
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Criollo - Blue Roan Overo, Dun
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 5 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race/War.  Handling:  Standard

Nokota - Blue Roan, White Roan
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Thoroughbred - Blood Bay, Dapple Grey
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Race. 
Handling:  Race

Shire - Dark Bay, Light Grey, 
(Health 4 | Stamina 3 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Draft. 
Handling:  Heavy

​Suffolk Punch - Red Chestnut, Sorrel
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Draft. 
Handling:  Heavy

Kentucky Saddler - Buttermilk Buckskin

(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding.  Handling:  Standard

Tennessee Walker - Gold Palomino
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

Belgian Draft - Chestnut, Mealy Chestnut
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Draft. 
Handling:  Heavy

Morgan - Liver Chestnut
(Health 2 | Stamina 4 | Speed 4 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

Tennessee Walker - Mahogany Bay
(Health 3 | Stamina 4 | Speed 2 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding.  Handling:  Standard

Kentucky Saddler - Black, Chestnut Pinto, Grey, Silver Bay
(Health 3 | Stamina 2 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 3)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

Morgan - Bay, Bay Roan, Flaxen Chestnut, Palomino
(Health 2 | Stamina 3 | Speed 3 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

Tennessee Walker - Black Rabicano, Chestnut, Dapple Bay, Red Roan
(Health 3 | Stamina 3 | Speed 2 | Acceleration 2)  - Type:  Riding. 
Handling:  Standard

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